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Let all the special moms know you have a place in your heart reserved for each and every one of them! Send the mothers in your life fresh flowers, roses, or a gift baskets.
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Angel Wings


Capture the delicate essence of an angel taking flight with this bountiful spray of all-white blossoms beautifully arranged with care by a professional florist. Express yourself with style and artistic grace--order today!

Togetherness Bouquet


Full of elegant beauty, this lovely bouquet exemplifies stylish grace and enchanting wonder. Express yourself fully--send flowers today!

Lazy Daisy Bouquet


Relish those lazy days of summer with this bright and cheerful array of yellow and white daisies. Peppy and pretty, these felicitous flowers exude charm and beauty, making them a joyful and smile-inducing gift for your amazing mom on her special day!

Her Name was Daisy


Invigorate the spirit with these elegant and captivating flowers. Radiate the joy of pure beauty!

Leaves and Petals Basket


This assortment of enchantingly beautiful lilies will let a friend or loved one know they are on your mind. Pink, purple and red blooms bring joy- send flowers!

Uplifting Vibrance Arrange..


Daisies are a brilliant and beautiful way to cheer up anyone's day! These fresh flowers exude hues of red, yellow, blue, purple and white, making them a vibrant and colorful Mother's Day gift for that special mom in your life.

Floral Festival Basket


A lush and vibrant assortment of bright roses and daisies, this arrangement is a symphony of color and fragrance. This bouquet would make a wonderful Mother's Day surprise for that loving and adoring mom in your life.

Bright Blossoms


So precious and pretty, these pink and purple blossoms touch the soul and uplift the spirit with elated joy. What a perfectly lovely bouquet--send flowers today!

Wildflower Bouquet


Capture the fresh air of a country meadow with this wondrous bouquet! Delightful and invigorating, these lovely wildflowers truly touch the soul. Send today!

Bright Smiles


Just darling! Serve a steaming cup of pure joy and delighted glee with this charming bouquet plumb full of beautiful mixed blossoms. Don't delay--send flowers today

Victorian Charm


Simply breathtaking! The allure and fresh fragrance of this beautiful arrangement flatters as much as it entices. Bestow the most glorious gift of all--send flowers today!

Bright & Beautiful


Just lovely! Express elated joy and fond feelings with this beautiful bouquet radiating sincere sentiment. Don�t delay--send flowers today!

Spring Motif Basket


Express your love for Mom this Mother's Day with this gorgeous assortment of bright and cheerful flowers. This blossoming boquet is a wonderful token of your love and appreciation for the most important woman in your life.

Friendly Greetings Arrange..


Celebrate the most important woman in your world with a beautiful arrangement of flowers. This basket of vivacious, cheerful, multi-hued daisies is a wonderful tribute of your love and affection this Mother's Day.

Country Wildfire Bouquet


Let Mom know just how much she means to you with this cheerful and vibrant assortment of multi-colored flowers. These sunny little gerber daisies are sure to add a ray of sunshine to her special day.

Bright Smiles Basket


A vibrant and charming assortment of colorful flowers, this blooming basket exudes radiant grace and stunning elegance. Sure to fill any room with a gentle glow, these blooms make a truly breathtaking Mother's Day gift!

Flowers-N-Frills Bouquet


Celebrate this Mother's Day by sending the most special woman in your life this gorgeous medley of pink, purple and white roses and daisies set in a pure white basket. This eye-catching item is sure to make her special day truly unforgettable.

Bright and Beautiful


Moms know best and therefore deserve the best. This beautiful and eye-catching assortment of blue, pink and purple roses and daisies is the ideal way to spoil Mom this Mother's Day. Show your love and appreciation with this gorgeous medley of color and fragrance.

Soft Essences Bouquet


Flowers are the perfect way to show Mom how you feel this Mother's Day and these adorable pink and white gerber daisies are no exception. Show Mom the appreciation and love she deserves on her special day.

Splendid Softness Bouquet


Breathe new life into the way you wish your mom a Happy Mother's Day and send her this beautiful arrangement of pink roses and ger daisies. It's sure to make her smile on her special day.

Loveliness Bouquet


Motherhood can be a thankless job, but on Mom's one special day, make sure you show her just how appreciated and loved she is with a beautiful and color-rich bouquet of flowers. These vibrant and cheery white, red, blue and purple daisy poms are sure to leave your mom with warm fuzzies this Mother's Day!

Summerburst Bouquet


Fill your mom's heart with joy and love this Mother's Day with the heart-felt gift of roses and daisies. This delightful and cheerful mix of reds, blues, purples and yellows is a wonderful way to honor the most important lady in your life on her special day.

Darling Delights Arrangement


Celebrate this Mother's Day with the Darlinhg Delights Arrangement, a bouquet bursting with colorful and fragrant roses and gerber daisies.

Bold Magnificence


Commemorate your mom's special day with a beautiful and bright assortment of yellow, white and pink roses and daisies. Celebrate this Mother's Day by sending Mom an eye-catching medley of vibrant color and fragrance.

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