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Sympathy. These sympathy items are appropriate to send to a business or home.
For deliveries to a church or funeral home send funeral flowers.
Showing Products 1-24 of 10 Result
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Soft Essences Bouquet


This adorable assortment of pink and white gerber daisies is perfect for any occasion. Flowers always make a cheerful and bright sympathy gift. Bring joy to a friend or loved one traversing life's toughest obstacles.

Springtime Greetings


This assortment of vibrant and fragrant pink roses and lilies set around a splash of springtime green is a festive way to express your deepest sympathy.

Patriotic Remembrance


Show your warmest sympathies with this visually delectable assortment of yellow, orange, white, blue, purple and red lilies and roses.

Happy Day Bouquet


White, red, blue, purple and yellow blooms spring to life from this assortment of roses, lilies and daisies. It is a wonderful sympathy gift for someone special in your life.

Simply Perfect Bouquet


Orchids, gerber daisies and roses abound in this beautiful bouquet, filling any room with vibrant pinks, purples and yellows. This eye-catching arrangement is a perfect and special way to show your deepest sympathy.

Mum Planter Basket


The Mum Planter Basket, brimming with blooming plants and flowers, is a beautiful and stylish way to show your sympathy during a friend or loved one's difficult time.

Cascading Glory Bouquet


This elegant bouquet of pink, purple and white roses will show a friend in need just how much you care. Send flowers today to show your heart-felt sympathy.

Blooming Basket


The Blooming Basket is a beautiful arrangement of yellow, pink, red and white gerber daisies bursting with color and life from a charming white basket. This array of vibrant flowers is a heart-felt way to send your sympathy and well wishes to a friend or loved one.

Serene Garden


Even the most difficult of times can be filled with serenity with this delightful bouquet of pink, white, cream, orange and yellow daisies is nearby. Bring peace, love and harmony to someone close to you with this gorgeous medley of vibrant flowers.

Floral Festival Bouquet


Yellow, pink, and purple flowers rise to any occasion, creating a gorgeous medley of color and beauty. The Floral Festival Bouquet is an ideal gift for a dear friend or loved one.

Blooming Iris Bouquet


Few flowers are more regal than the bloom that inspired the French fleur-de-lis. The Blooming Iris Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement, sure to make a special person in your life feel like a king or queen.

Simply Sweet Bouquet


This elegant and stunning ensemble of assorted white flowers is simply perfect. Nature's purity and beauty are evident in this beautiful bouquet of blossoms. Bring a dash of sweetness to a friend or loved one going through a difficult time.

Pure Allure Bouquet


White roses, carnations, gerber daisies and alstroemeria abound, making this stunning bouquet a heart-felt token of your sympathy. Help a friend struggling through a rough patch by showing your love and support.

Garden Party Arrangement


Purple, blue, cream, pink and white carnations spring to life from this bouquet, making even the hardest of days a little brighter. Send your sympathy with this vibrant assortment of flowers.

Pretty Petals Arrangement


Pay tribute to a friend or loved one in need with this bouquet of delicate roses, lilies and tulips. Show your sympathy through this assortment of pink, peach and white blossoms.

Mystical Nights


Embrace the dusk of a new dawn with a brush of Mystical Nights. Be gone with the wind into a realm of pure luxury and sensuality with a plethora of precious aromatic blossoms in deep mystical shades of luscious lavender, dazzling purple, and deep pink to set the moment free. Set yourself free with one glimpse of natural charismic beauty!

Lady in Red


Stunning, unique, and utterly opulent, this breathtaking bouquet of roses and classic greenery is sheer visual poetry full of heart and soul.

Wild Ruby Nights


Radiant and ravishing, this exquisite array of vibrant fresh flowers brims with natural beauty and vivid charm! Breathtaking appeal and sweet floral scents make these blooms an utterly luminous token of your deepest sympathy and support.

Plum Pretty


The allure of enchanting amethyst tones bursts forth from a vivid violet vase, into a bouquet of lavish lavender and pink blossoms. Crisp carnations and resplendent roses beaming from a fresh bouquet of mixed blooms are an elegant way to celebrate!

My Little Sweetheart


Radiant and ravishing, this exquisite array of vibrant fresh flowers brims with natural beauty and vivid charm! Breathtaking appeal and sweet floral scents make these blooms an utterly luminous gesture of your warmest sympathy and support.

Ocean Waves of Blue


This exquisite array of fresh flowers truly captures the tranquil serenity of waves gently rolling across a peaceful blue sea. Set in a charming blue glass cube, this piece is sure to make a harmoniously zen gesture of your deepest sympathy and support.

Dainty in Pink


Dainty and delightful, this assortment of pretty pink flowers brims with natural grace and charm! Sweet scents and breathtaking appeal make these blooms a truly memorable gesture of your deepest sympathy and support.

A Moment of Happiness


Make the entire room come alive with the fresh fragrance and beautiful splendor of these splendid flowers--a most wonderful reminder of your deep sympathy and sincere support.

Rainbow of Success


Express your tender sympathy with an array of fresh and exquisite flowers in a most colorful range of sincere emotions.

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