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Garden Delights Bouquet


Exude sheer joy and touching beauty straight from the garden! Brighten their world with this elegant display artistically arranged by a talented florist. Delight them in style�order today!

Luxurious Garden


Admire the rich tones and warm beauty of an autumn garden in this charming basket display! Artistically arranged by a creative florist, these flowers truly add a stylish touch of fall glory to any occasion. Bring the great outdoors inside�order today!

Enchanted Roses


Make it a day to remember! Say all you have to say with the tender beauty of twelve perfect pink roses complemented with fresh greens in a tranquil glass vase. Don�t hesitate�order a surprise delivery today!

Tropical Grace


Add a touch of warm, tropical beauty to your surroundings! Take flight with this vibrant, wild, and utterly unique florist arrangement. Express your unique personality and exquisite style�order a delivery today!

Blushing Roses


Make it a day to remember! Say all you have to say with the tender beauty of twelve perfect pink roses complemented with fresh greens in a tranquil glass vase. Don�t delay�order today!

Love Creation


An explosion of passion and beauty! Express yourself with this bountiful bouquet of fragrant pink and red roses in assorted sizes. Make it a day to remember�order from a talented florist today!

Hugs and Red Kisses


Fresh, lovely, and so delightful! Express yourself fully with this exquisite bouquet full of peppermint-colored roses and daisies complemented with fresh greens in a stylish red vase. Such a sight to behold�order a delivery today!

Pink, White, & Romantic


Freshly pink and delightfully white! Express yourself fully with this exquisite bouquet full of light-colored roses and lilies complemented with fresh greens in a stylish glass vase. Such a sight to behold�order a delivery today!

Delicate Pink Dozen


Delicately pretty and freshly exquisite, this beautiful arrangement of one dozen pink roses nestled in lush greens will brighten up any room. Guaranteed to declare your true emotion in breathtaking style�order today!

Perfectly Pleasing


A perfectly pleasing collection of mums, roses, carnations and more, in rich jewel tones of coral, amethyst, and ruby, sure to give a treasured occasion a special sparkle!

Pinky Winky


All pink precious blooms are the perfct Pink Winky for the occasion! Laugh, smile, and love forever with the most subtle gentle display of warm embraces. Share the spotlight with that special someone with just a simple gesture.

Fancy Affair


Fancy up their day! Its now the time for that Fancy Affair! That perfect occasion only comes around once in a lifetime. Glistening pink and green blossoms dazzle up the moment with childlike enthusiam. Smile big and hug bigger! Let yourself go and have fun!

Wondrous Blooms


A simple and sophisticated way to commemorate any occasion, this charming arrangement of the finest fresh flowers is designed to best express what words sometimes can't.

Pink & Stylish


Fresh flowers are always in vogue! Roses, lillies, carnations and more in hot hues of fuchsia paired with precious pinks will floor your fashionista and keep her feeling glamourous!

A Simple Display of Affect..


A Simple Display of Affection can change everything! Pastels shades of pink, lavender, and yellow charm that special someone with gentle love and affection. Let the moment last forever with that perfect bouquet of luscious blooms.

Enchanted Love


Fresh, colorful, and heavenly! Add a touch of luxurious beauty to the occasion with this exquisite bouquet of pink lilies and red roses. Make it a day to remember�order from a talented florist today!

Lavish Holiday


Let sultry shades of scarlet and luscious lavender whisk her away on a well-deserved holiday. Plan an escape in the exotic beauty of the finest fresh flowers and roses, without ever leaving your doorstep: send flowers today!

Always Elegant


Breathtaking, lovely, and full of poise! Add a grand splash of elegance to the occasion with this exquisite bouquet full of pink lilies and one dozen cream-colored roses complemented with fresh greens. Such a sight for the eyes�order a delivery today!

Purple Perfection


Show her how perfect you think she is by doting on her with the sort of distinctive gift she deserves! Elegant purple orchids, roses and lilies emerge from amongst the finest fresh flowers and greenery to create an impressive collection of some of the most sought-after blooms your darling could desire.

Heavenly Perfection


Ethereal alabaster lillies and gentle pink roses are gathered in a gossamer glass vase, accented with angelic touches of dainty Queen Anne's lace. A divine design to put them on cloud nine!

Pastels of Light


Pastels of Light glisten in the sunshine as a shooting star in the night! Perfect petals in white and peach create a sense of peace and enchantment for any occasion. Show them your love in peaches and cream!

Purple Meadow


A simple and sophisticated way to commemorate any occasion, this charming arrangement of the finest fresh flowers is designed to best express what words sometimes can't.

Purple Rhapsody


Hit a high note when you send this symphony of fresh flowers! Notes of fragrant white freesia amongst a medley of purple roses and assorted blooms is sure to put a song in their heart!

Purple Sugar


Amethyst colored roses and more are collected in a sugar-glazed glass vase full of flowers for this dulcet design. Flowers are a sweet treat to say "Have a great day!"

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