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Spring Garden


Ode to joy! Share the exotic, delicate beauty of garden elegance with this stylish and lovely arrangement. Send flowers today!

Nature's Colors Bouquet


The Nature's Colors Bouquet is abounding with nature's bounty of red, pink, purple and orange roses. This vibrant and vivacious medley of color and fragrance is an unforgettable way to make any occasion dazzle.

I Really Love You Arrangem..


Really, really, REALLY express yourself with the magnificent, fragrant splendor of three-dozen red roses! Beautifully arranged by a talented florist in an absolutely breathtaking display, this bountiful bouquet truly speaks volumes. Convey what words cannot say--send today!

Pretty in Pink (2-dozen)


Tenderly convey the ultimate expression with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of two-dozen perfectly pink roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Captivating Bouquet


A warm brown basket filled to the brim with pink, purple and blue roses and lilies is a heart-warming surprise for a cherished friend or loved one. This bounty of blooms will warm the heart and bring sparkle to their day.

Holiday Pizzazz Centerpiece


This beautiful centerpiece, brimming with colorful and aromatic flowers of blue, purple and white, surrounding the warm glow of a candle, is a wonderful gift for a truly cherished person in your life.

Classic Beauty


Send a bouquet of love and make all their wishes come true on that special occasion! There is nothing more profound than Classic Beauty! Share your heart with that loved one as if there is noone else in the world. Be the light in their life and heart with 2 dozen red velvety roses!

Robustly Red Roses


Make a bold statement with this robustly red arrangement, symbolic of your love and devotion. Red is the color of love and passion. Reveal yourself as the one for them!

Classic Bouquet


This charming basket overflows with radiant roses in an array of vivid hues! Velvety and vibrant, these blissfully beautiful blooms will light up any room and make for a simply splendid and sublime gift!

Open Arms of Affection


Convey your grand sentiment with charm and exquisite beauty! The delightful combination of two-dozen white shimmering roses accompanied by a cuddly teddy truly makes the perfect addition to any occasion. Charm them inside out with a token of genuine affection.

Strawberry Shortcake Flowers


Soft and subtle yet mouth-wateringly breathtaking, this exquisite array of fresh flowers brims with sumptuous hues of pink and white. Sparkling with nature's beauty and grace, these blooms will illuminate any room and make a delightfully decadent gift!

Pink Pastel Pleasures


Give a tranquil way to drift away, with an escape to their own personal island of gently perfumed blooms.

Cheerful Greetings


Flash that warm open smile for that special someone in need of Cheerful Greetings. A radiant plethora of luscious blossoms in deep hues of fuschia pink and ravishing red blend together like a two soulmates in love. A touch of brilliance brims with classic style and sensuous pleasure for the best things in life are free!

Light and Elegant


Grace them with a sweet surprise of luscious hot pink beauties all dolled up in sensual velvety petals. Loose yourself in that sweet aromatic decadence with a touch sass and style. Embrace your inner stylish chic!

Ooh Aah!


This charming basket of vivid beauties is sure to get many oohs and ahhs.

Hugs Forever


Convey your sweet sentiment with affectionate charm and breathtaking beauty! The delightful combination of two-dozen romantic red roses accompanied by a cuddly teddy truly makes the perfect gift on surprise.

Lovely Lilies


Be the only star in the room with a Lovely Lilies Bouquet! All hot pink blossoms heat up the room with the subtle passion of secret lovers. Start the season off right with a gift from your heart!

Blushing Champagne


Shimmering with grace and beauty, this stunning array of pink and peach roses will birhgen up any room! Breathtaking appeal and sweet floral scents make these blooms a truly splendid gift!

All White Basket


This serene medley of pristine white flowers sparkles with nature's pure beuaty and immense grace. Sure to light up any room with floral joy, these blissful blooms will make a truly breathtaking and sweet smelling gift!

Budding Beauties


Inspired by the tranquil beauty of the an English garden, this pastel-hued arrangement enchants both eyes and nose. Stimulate the sense with a token of pure amazement. Let the heart and soul run free with a bundle of fresh roses to make their heart sing!

Gardens of Provence Basket


We put all the richness and beauty of a blooming Mediterranean French garden in a vase.

Unconditional Friendships


Serenade them with your love and affection with nothing other than an ultimate favorite of shimmering pink and sunkissed yellow roses to set the occasion right. Bring out that natural charm with an aromatic presence of striking beauties!

All the Love in the World


Beautifully breathtaking and adorably affectionate! The delightful combination of two-dozen regal pink roses accompanied by a cuddly teddy truly makes the perfect gift of love. Show them with a memory straight from the heart.

Dazzling Reds


Open your eyes and your heart to a Dazzling Reds for all red blossoms shimmer and shine with the colors of romance and the essence of love! Romance that cherished loved one with a symbol of deep affections and utter loyalty for the heart knows no boundaries. Dive in head first to a life of happiness and wallow in the essence of love!

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