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Spring Fresh Bouquet


Exquisitely and artistically arranged by a creative florist, these flowers radiate bountiful energy and a luxurious breath of fresh air. Express your thoughts in graceful style�order today!

Tender Elegance Spring Bas..


Charm a particularly precious person with pink and white flowers overflowing from a charming basket and accompanied by an adorable cuddly bear! Express your dear affection and tender sentiment�order a delivery from a local florist today!

Symbol of Love Bouquet


Breathtaking, classic, and utterly radiant, the grandest of statements are best proclaimed with the sheer beauty of twelve long-stem red roses. Show your tender thoughts�order a bouquet today!

Perfect Little Thinking of..


A beautiful, fresh plant arrangement with accents of flowers, this piece makes for a colorful and vibrant slice of Nature!

An Array of Abundance


Give the gift that continues to thrive long after the delivery date! The presence of emerald-green houseplants creates a soothing, peaceful atmosphere and adds an attractive touch of color as well. Express your present thoughts--order today!

Plentiful Prism


Add a delightful touch of lively color to the room! Arranged with fresh flowers in an artistic display, this wonderful gift basket truly speaks straight from the soul.

Roses & Orchids Galore


Soothe the soul with the breathtaking beauty of tender roses in a tranquil glass vase flanked by exotic flowers. A truly magnificent gesture of your tender care and loving support!

Roses & Orchids Galore


Emanate tender luxury with the absolutely breathtaking splendor of classic roses in a tranquil glass vase flanked by exotic flowers. A truly magnificent display of your sincere support and best wishes!

Roses & Orchids Galore


Capture the absolutely breathtaking splendor of classic roses in a tranquil glass vase flanked by exotic blossoms. A truly magnificent display of your most sincere wishes and tender support!

How Romantic 2 Dozen


Dramatic and full of breathtaking beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses conveys your most poignant sentiment. A truly gorgeous and magnificent gesture!

Two Dozen White Roses


Pure and full of tender beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful surprise!

Wake Up Sunshine


Pure and full of tender beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful surprise! Shine your genuine intentions upon them with the color of happiness and friendship. Be the type of friend to them that you wish had and the affection will be returned!

Two Dozen Pink Roses


Tender and full of sheer beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen pink roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful gesture of your tender support.

Roses & Orchids Galore


Treasure nature�s wealth with the breathtaking splendor and delicate beauty of classic roses in a tranquil glass vase flanked by exotic blossoms. A truly magnificent display!

European Beauty


Thriving with exotic warmth and tender support, this garden arrangement of blooming plants beautifies the room with colorful grace and breathtaking artistry. A truly thoughtful gift!

Flourishing Sophistication


Emanate warm vitality and vibrant energy with the exotic beauty of a thriving Schefflera potted plant! Share your best wishes and support�order today!

Orchids of Paradise


Personify exotic style with gorgeous blossoms! Beautifully arranged in a glass vase, this bouquet truly adds a wonderful touch of radiance to the room. Orchids of Paradise highlight the idea of pure tranquility and relaxation. Enter the garden of paradise on a whim and bask in the moment as if on a tropical island.

Orchids & 2 Dz Roses Galore


Declare the heights of ultimate beauty! Make a grand statement full of loving care and delicate grace with two-dozen classic roses in a tranquil glass vase. Truly a poignant gift!

White Bear Bouquet


Send lots of warm affection with colorful flair! Adorable and lovely, this cuddly creature hugs an exquisite bouquet of fresh flowers with a sweet and earnest expression. A most charming way to express yourself�order today!

Dainty Lady


Full of delicate, radiant wonder, this bouquet of pretty bulbs truly lights up the room. Marvel at the fascinating lure pink luscious tulips perfect for any occasion! Show them your gentle side with a simple display of affection.

Plant Garden


Enrich the room with the soothing presence of vibrant greens in a charming basket arranged by a talented florist. Give the gift that keeps on giving�order today!

Crimson and Kisses


Sultry and mysterious is this array of exotic blooms to set the stage in the room for Crimson and Kisses. This exotic beauty oozes with grace and charm perfect for any occasion. The air of royalty has entered the room!

Touch of Lilies


Be absolutely delighted in the refreshing presence of this exquisite bouquet! Radiate peace, harmony, and tender support. Truly a thoughtful and wondrous gift�order today!

Plum Pretty


They'll say she is Plum Pretty when this deep cool-hued arrangement graces the room like the most beautiful girl in the room! Sassy shades of red, blue, and purple air a charm of mystery, depth, and beauty. Show them your fashionistic side with a gift of pure beauty!

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