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Victoria Rose Bouquet


Stunning, unique, and utterly opulent, this breathtaking bouquet of roses and old-fashioned greenery celebrates sheer visual poetry full of heart and soul.

Mystic Winds


Dive into the realm of pure inspiration with a dazzling plethora of all white luscious roses that shimmer and shine with magnificent charm. Release that inner child and flourish in the garden of roses leaving all your troubles behind. Its time for a littlea dash of Mystic Winds.

A Dozen Romantic Wishes!


There is nothing more traditionally romantic that a vivid display of one dozen velvety red roses showered with affection and love! Sweep her off her feet with a gift that send a message from the heart with one special kiss. That chivalric knight is sure to win her heart for A Dozen Romantic Wishes is never enough!

Two-Dozen Red Roses


Extravagant and decadent, yet classically beautiful and elegant, this assortment of radiantly ravishing red roses. A timelessly heartfelt and thoughtful gift for your sweetheart on this unforgettable occasion.

2 Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet


Precious blooms of soft pink radiate delicate beauty from this stunning arrangement of pink roses. Nestled in lush greenery, these beauties make the perfect gift to commemorate this unforgettable occasion!

2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet


Vivid, velvety and vivacious, this extravagant, yet classically elegant, arrangement of red roses is sure to knock anyone's socks off! What a stunningly sublime and heartfelt gift for this truly unforgettable occasion.

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Radiating beauty, fragrance and rich hues of red, these velvety, yet bold, roses make an exquisitely thoughtful and memorable gift to mark this truly unforgettable occasion.

2-Dozen Yellow Roses


Illuminate the world with the luminous beauty of two-dozen yellow roses! Make a glowing statement full of warmth and lush radiance with this extravagant bouquet. A magnificent way to mark the occasion!

2 Dozen Assorted Roses Bou..


Vibrant and colorful, this medley of multi-hued roses radiates beauty and fragrance. Lush, verdurous greens add an extra touch of natural charm, making this bouquet a truly special and memorable way to commemorate and celebrate this unforgettable day!

2 Dozen White Roses Bouquet


Stunningly pure and pristinely elegant, this arrangement of delicate white roses sparkles with natural beauty and fragrance. A truly unforgettable and inspiring gift for your sweetheart on this truly unforgettable and inspiring occasion!

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Ravishing roses sparkle with nature's beauty and grace. An exquisite arrangement, brimming with fragrance and vibrance, this makes a truly memorable gift to commemorate and celebrate this joyous occasion!

Rose Devotion


Luminous with classic beauty, this lovely bouquet of twelve perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful celebration!

Two-Dozen Fire & Ice Roses


Make a memorable statement with the jaw-dropping beauty of two-dozen fire and ice roses! Radiate both purity and passion with this uniquely gorgeous bouquet. A most sumptuous celebration!

How Gorgeous 2 Dozen


Dramatic and full of breathtaking beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses conveys your most poignant sentiment. A truly gorgeous and magnificent celebration!

Wake Up Sunshine


Pure and full of tender beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful surprise! Shine your genuine intentions upon them with the color of happiness and friendship. Be the type of friend to them that you wish had and the affection will be returned!

Two Dozen Pink Roses


Tender and full of sheer beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen pink roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful celebration!

A Time for Romance


Vibrant, velvety petals burst from this stunning arrangement of boldly delicate roses and lush, verdurous greenery. Set in a beautiful glass vase and adorned with a sheer red ribbon, this medley of blooms and greens is the perfect token of your affection on this unforgettably special day!

Enchanting Romance


Be swept off your feet with an Enchanting Romance! One dozen pink roses symbolize nothing other than true affection and love. Find that divine moment in your life with a symbol of love in the most unexpected way.

The Power of Love


The Power of Love conquers all! Show that special someone in your life your gift of love. There is nothing more gracious than a plethora of two dozen red roses as a symbol of your genuine affection.

Delicate Pink Dozen


Delicately pretty and freshly exquisite, this beautiful arrangement of one dozen pink roses nestled in lush greens will brighten up any room. Guaranteed to declare your true emotion in breathtaking style�order today!

Always In Love


Everlasting love is easier to express with the help of our skilled local florists! One dozen roses are the quintessential way to beautifully solidify your bond to your beloved and share a reminder that you'll always be there.

Classique Love


Romantic roses amid luscious greenery have set the standard for sharing sincere sentiments. One dozen roses in a glittering glass vase is a polished take on the time-honored gesture, a classic bouquet to say "I love you."

Blooming Love


Love abounds from this superb surprise! Two dozen fresh roses overflow from a sparkling glass vase in a classic display of affection and timeless romance.

Two Dozen Red & White Roses


Two dozen ravishing roses reveal their radiance in this gorgeous medley of soft, velvety red and white petals. Express your warmest sentiments on this unforgettable occasion with these blissfully brilliant blooms.

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