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True Love Bouquet


Red roses send a message unlike any other flower; bold, vibrant, velvety petals and exquisitely verdurous stems express to a recipient that they are irreplaceable and truly cherished. Send a dozen red roses today to express your love for a special

Fruitful Abundance Love Ba..


A feast for the senses, this beautiful and delectable arrangement of fruits and flowers is the perfect gift for someone close to your heart. Spoil them with Nature's sweetest treats.

Lovers' Fruit Basket


Ripe and colorful fruits and flowers erupt from this charming basket, showcasing some of Mother Nature's sweetest gifts. Order it today and treat someone you love to this medley of color, fragrance and flavor.

Delightful Dozen Lovers' R..


Vibrant hues of pink and peach radiate from this bouquet of roses, creating a stunning medley of color and fragrance. Order this arrangement and pamper someone you love.

Spring Ruffles Basket


An exquisite arrangement, filled to the brim with pink, red, white and cream roses and vibrant specs of bright yellow lilies sprinkled throughout. This assortment of blissfully beautiful blooms is a perfect gift for someone you love.

Colorful Greetings


A kaleidoscope of color, this charming basket is filled to the brim with pink, purple, blue, red and yellow roses. Fragrant and resplendent, this arrangement will make anyone's day a little brighter!

Display of Affection Arran..


Graceful and delicate, the velvety roses will showcase your warmest feelings and impecable taste while warming the heart of someone you care about. Don't delay - Order today!

Enchanting Rose Bouquet


Enchant someone you love with this bewitchingly beautiful bouquet of peach and pink roses.

Meditation Arrangement


A simple and sophisticated way to commemorate any occasion, this charming arrangement of the finest fresh flowers is designed to best express what words sometimes can't.

Leaves and Petals Basket


This assortment of enchantingly beautiful lilies will let a friend or loved one know they are on your mind. Pink, purple and red blooms bring joy- send flowers!

Tranquil Thoughts Arrangem..


Fresh flowers of yellow, white, red, and purple spring to life from this vibrant and beautiful bouquet. Bring tranquility to the chaos of life with this exquisite arrangement.

Fresh Breeze Love Bouquet


Nature's beauty and bounty reign supreme in this stunning assortment of pink, yellow and orange lilies and carnations. Bring joy and light to someone you love with this bonny bouquet of fetching flowers.

Cascading Beauty Love Arra..


Colorful and blissfully beautiful flowers burst from this arrangement, making it a true attention-grabber. Brighten a special someone's day with this vibrant assortment of blooms.

Exiquisite Spring Love Bas..


Pink carnations spring to life from this beautiful assortment of delicate, yet vibrant, flowers. Make someone's day a little brighter and show them just how much you care with this stunning symphony of color and fragrance.

Floral Exuberance Basket


Bring joy to mind, body and soul with the Floral Exuberance bouquet, a resplendent assortment of vibrant, velvety flowers and roses. Color and fragrance burst from this arrangement, making it the perfect gift for someone you love.

Uplifting Vibrance Arrange..


Daisies are a brilliant and beautiful way to cheer up anyone's day! These fresh flowers exude hues of red, yellow, blue, purple and white, making them a vibrant and colorful gift for someone special in your life.

Floral Festival Basket


A lush and vibrant assortment of bright roses and daisies, this arrangement is a symphony of color and fragrance. This bouquet would make a wonderful treat for anyone special in your life.

Floral Jewels Arrangement


Vibrant, velvety roses and fresh flowers of red, white, blue and yellow burst from this spectacular arrangement. Surprise a friend or loved one with this stunning, attention-grabbing bouquet!

Lavender Phalaenopsis Love..


Whisk a loved one away from the stress of everyday life with this exotic beauty. This symbol of love, luxury and beauty bursts with tropical flowers of pink and purple. Send this plant and orchid arrangement to someone you love.

Love Spathiphyllum and Die..


Darling and delightful, this charming white basket brims with lush and vibrant greenery. This arrangement is a true natural beauty and a wonderful gift for someone you love.

African Violets Love Basket


Simple, yet sophisticated, this potted stunner is a chic way to enhance a room's elegance.

Zen Garden Love Basket


Create a zen-like state with this beautiful assortment of vibrant green leaves. Bring peace and harmony to someone you love.

Love Azalea (Large)


Lush and lively, this flourishing arrangement of pink and white azaleas is a beautiful blend of colorful flowers and greenery. Send it to someone you love.

Love Spathiphyllum


Bring a a dash of Mother Nature's beauty indoors with this flourishing green plant arrangement. The piece is a heart-felt symbol of how you feel.

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