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Spring Fresh Bouquet


Celebrate the fresh beauty and renewed hope of spring with this gorgeous bouquet! Express a most poignant message in chic style. Order today!

A Breath of Fresh Air


Radiant with lush warmth, this golden bouquet of roses is offset in a most becoming fashion with vibrant greens beautifully arranged by an artistic florist. Express yourself--send a basket of heavenly glory today!

Stargazer Bouquet


Take their breath away with this stunning bouquet of oriental lilies in a tranquil glass vase. Send flowers today!

Refined and Resplendent


Live and love on the island of tropics for the most enchanting exotic time of your life. Embrace the moment and never let it go. A Refined and Resplendent bouquet of brillant exotic blossoms charm that special someone as if they were away on a dream vacation hand-in-hand on that shoreline sunset on the beach! Inspire the world of tropical fantasy with that special someone.

A Glimpse of Bliss


Opulent, regal, and utterly radiant, this stylish bouquet overflows with luscious flowers and breathtaking beauty. A truly delightful touch!

Yellow Roses


Cheerful and vibrant, this assortment of one dozen yellow roses, presented among lush greens, is a wonderful gift for a special someone in your life.

Cheeky in Purple


A cheerful and vibrant assortment of peppy purple flowers, this exquisite arrangement brims with charm and beauty! Sure to light up any room, these blissful blooms will make a simply splendid and delightfully darling gift!

Sweeter Than Sugar


Both in beauty and fragrance, this bouquet is as sweet as it gets! Red and white stargazers, lilies, roses and carnations spring to life, sweetening the day of anyone lucky enough to receive them.

Sweetie Pie Bouquet


Sweeter than pie, both in beauty and fragrance, this beautiful arrangement of vibrant, multi-hued roses, carnations, daisies, irises, lilies, tulips and freesias is a spectacular token of your love and affection.

Brimming Spring Basket & B..


Light up the room with a burst of pretty spring glory brought to you by this adorable bear! Convey both warmth and affection with fresh flowers brimming from a delightful basket arrangement and a sincere cuddly face. What a delightful surprise�order today!

A Dream Come True


Invigorate the spirit with these elegant and captivating flowers. Radiate the joy of pure beauty!

Pink Affections


Doll up from head to toe in the most feminine of all colors, pink! Highlight the moment with a little bit of Pink Affections. Pastel and hot pink blossoms with a splash of purple bring out that candy eyed gal in anyone!

Pink & Stylish


Fresh flowers are always in vogue! Roses, lillies, carnations and more in hot hues of fuchsia paired with precious pinks will floor your fashionista and keep her feeling glamourous!

Radiant Peaches


Sweet as the fresh nectar of a Georgia peach, these luminous peach roses take that special someone down the trip of memory lane when grandma used to bake fresh peach cobbler in the kitchen oozing with sweet fruity aroma! Grab that special someone by the hand and share those nostalgic childhood memories in a time where simplicity and laughter were the most important things life had to offer!

America the Great


A dazzling array of richly hued, vibrant flowers springs to life from a delightful blue glass cube! Enchanting and stunning, this assortment of blooms is sure to make a smile-inducing, sweet smelling gift!

Little Polka Dotted Posy


How much fun to dance the day and night away out on the town but with a plethora of perfect pink and white blossoms. Everybody has a Little Polka Dotted Posy fantasy that flairs style, cheeky fashion, and a bit of sass! Step out into the streets with that sassy sense of fashion everyone will be talking about.

Love and Affection


What a better way to show Love and Affection than with an array of sacred shimmering blooms in shades of white, pink, and red. Don't let that special moment pass with that special someone. Hold onto it forever with a token from your genuine heart.

Paradise Island Fruit Basket


Fill them with the abundance of fresh mouth-watering fruit to highlight that lovely occasion. Take a trip to the beach with your closest family and friends in hopes of a beautiful day! Now is the time to bask in the morning sun.

Dynamite Duo Arrangement


Watch the sparks fly when you send a friend or loved one the Dynamite Duo Arrangement! Instead of traditional flowers, send this festive and vibrant plant as a token of how you feel.

Mother Nature


Mother Nature is calling! Red, pink, and yellow vivid blossoms mirror the kind of vibrant garden seen in wild nature. From the hilltops of a country mountain to the exotic gardenson a tropical island, these radiant blooms brim with exotic pleasures. Walk that special someone down the isle of pure fantasy and loose yourself inside that child-hood dream!

A Little Bit of Charm


Add a little bit of charm into their life. Pastel blossoms in delicate shades of shimmering white and sunkissed yellow come together like a spring song of melody to highlight and extra special touch to that unforgettable occasion.

Serene Elegance


Exude peace, tranquility, and serene elegance with this beautiful bouquet of white calla lilies. Express yourself--send flowers today!

Large Spathiphyllum Plant


Vibrant and verdurous, this rich array of lush green plants brims with fresh, floral beauty and vivid color! Nature's bounty radiates from this assortment, making it a truly stunning gift!

Purple Perfection


Show her how perfect you think she is by doting on her with the sort of distinctive gift she deserves! Elegant purple orchids, roses and lilies emerge from amongst the finest fresh flowers and greenery to create an impressive collection of some of the most sought-after blooms your darling could desire.

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