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Symbol of Love Bouquet


Breathtaking, classic, and utterly radiant, the grandest of statements are best proclaimed with the sheer beauty of twelve long-stem red roses. Give the guaranteed best gift of all�order a bouquet today!

Elegant Warmth


Radiate elegance and warm beauty with this heavenly bouquet! Pretty in pink and accented with becoming greens, this exquisite gift truly conveys both chic style and tender grace. Flatter someone special�order today!

Floral Expressions


Make the room glow with breathtaking radiance! Relish in the exotic beauty of nature with an artistic bouquet of exquisite flowers. A most poignant way to express yourself!

Plentiful Prism


Add a delightful touch of lively color to the room! Arranged with fresh flowers in an artistic display, this wonderful gift basket truly speaks straight from the soul.

How Romantic 2 Dozen


Dramatic and full of breathtaking beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses conveys your most poignant sentiment. A truly gorgeous and magnificent surprise!

Wake Up Sunshine


Pure and full of tender beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful surprise! Shine your genuine intentions upon them with the color of happiness and friendship. Be the type of friend to them that you wish had and the affection will be returned!

Two Dozen Pink Roses


Tender and full of sheer beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen pink roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful surprise!

Pure Elegance


Original, fresh, and absolutely lovely, this collection of tulips makes a most perfect and elegant gift. Order today!

Dainty Lady


Full of delicate, radiant wonder, this bouquet of pretty bulbs truly lights up the room. Marvel at the fascinating lure pink luscious tulips perfect for any occasion! Show them your gentle side with a simple display of affection.

Flower Garden


An absolutely exquisite gift! Stylish and breathtaking, this bouquet fully expresses your true emotion with an artistic palette of colors.

The Crimson Tide Bouquet


Beautiful blooms of crimson exude vibrant, rich hues from this lush bouquet. The colors of romance, passion and affection are a perfect way to illuminate this most special of occasions!

The Bold and The Beautiful


Sit back, take a deep breath, and get ready for The Bold and The Beautiful! Bright as they are bold, luscious colors of high royalty grace the room in yellow and purple. They will stop and turn when this wonderous surprise enters the room!

Eternally Fabulous Bouquet


Cherish this special day with a stunning array of colorful, vibrant and sweet smelling flowers. Beautiful and brimming with nature's grace and charm, these blooms are the perfect accessory for that perfect dress or gown!

A Moment of Truth


As in every relationship whether it be friends, love, or family therein lies at some point A Moment of Truth. Highlight that moment in their life with a perfect array of yellow and peach to symbolize that loyalty with a light-hearted touch!

At the Luau


The colors of the hawaiian tropics fill the room in illuminating shades of green and white. Everybody is At the Luau in festive celebration! Gather around with your closest friends and family, enjoy the ride and loose yourself in tropical sensations!

Colorful Fiesta


A vibrant kaleidoscope of captivating color, this exquisite array of flowers bursts with charismatic charm and vivacious beauty! Sure to light up any room, these brilliant blooms make a spectacular gift!

Exquisite Charm


Ignite the sensation of joy and good times ahead with that bright and cheerful unity of fresh cut florals in invigorating shades of mystical purple and sunburst yellow! Celebrate everyday with a joyous carefree spirit!

Flourishing Dreams


Stunning pastels radiate beauty and charm from this dazzling assortment of yellow, pink and blue flowers! Delicate yet vibrant, these blissful blooms will fill any room with light and joy, and make for a simply sublime and special gift!

Seaside Resort


Tropical charm and exotic appeal radiate from this array of opulent orchids! Bursting in beautiful hues of green from a stunning blue vase, these paradisial blooms are sure to make a luminously breathtaking gift!



Tropical charm and exotic appeal radiate from this array of opulent orchids! Bursting in beautiful hues of pink and yellow, these paradisial blooms are sure to make a luminously breathtaking gift!

Once in a Lifetime


Subtle pastels radiate with delicate beauty and shimmering charm. Soft and stunning flowers in shades of pink and white overflow from this assortment, creating a truly beautiful vision and an utterly breathtaking gift!

Pastel Sentiments


This vibrant array of colorful flowers shimmers with brilliant beauty and charismatic charm! Breathtaking appeal and sweet floral scents ensure these blooms make a simply splendid gift!

Festival of Hues


This vibrant array of colorful flowers shimmers with brilliant beauty and charismatic charm! Breathtaking appeal and sweet floral scents ensure these blooms make a simply splendid gift!

The Sweetness of Light


Vibrant and cheerful, this assortment of eye-poppin' pastels exudes nature's joie de vivre! Fresh and festive, the multicolored flowers brim in springtime shades of pink, lavender and yellow. Sure to light up any room, these blooms making a luminously sweet smelling gift!

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